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- Monthly Journal @ with 5 training articles @ 4 in English and 1 in Simplified Chinese
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- Therefore one year 12 months total will be 12 journals x 5 articles = 60 articles
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RM 120 / year
Sample Articles
汪洋中的一条船,无论面对多么汹涌的浪潮,潮起潮落,日出日落,都有自己的努力向前的方式。 第一,这条船需要一位坚定的船长,一个有远见和决心的领导者。船长要能够在风浪中保持镇定,并且制定明确的航线和目标,以指引船员向前航行。 其次,船需要一支团结协作的船员队伍。每个船员都承担着重要的责任,需要密切合作,共同应对挑战。团队的力量可以让船在困难中坚持前行,即使面临逆境,也能互相支持、携手前进。 再三,船的设备和工具也至关重要。船要确保船体结构良好、设备齐全,并且定期进行维护和检查,以确保安全航行,还需要懂得怎样修船。同时,船还需要依靠现代科技,利用导航仪器和通讯设备,更好地应对复杂的海上环境,所以船长必须懂得使用高端仪器,需要具备技术和知识。 此外,船需要适应变化的海洋环境。海上的风浪和海流随时都可能发生变化,船需要灵活调整航向和速度,以应对不同的情况,必须智能全备。在面对艰难局面时,船员需要拥有适应能力和灵活性,勇于面对挑战,不断学习和改进。 最重要的是,这条船需要坚定的信念和毅力。无论遇到多大的困难和挑战,船都要坚持向前,不轻言放弃。坚定的信念能够给予船员们前行的动力和勇气,让他们勇往直前,迎接未知的未来。 最后,汪洋中的一条船要努力向前,你肯定是无依无靠,需要有坚定的领导、团结的船员、良好的设备和适应能力,以及坚定的信念和毅力。只有这样,这条船才能在茫茫大海中航行,最终抵达目的地,我们的终站。
The Power of Habit: How Small Changes Can Transform Your Life
In our daily lives, we often find ourselves repeating the same actions over and over again without much thought. These actions, normally known as habits, play a significant role in shaping our behaviors, and even our life, productivity, and overall well-being. From the moment we wake up in the morning to the time we go […]
法庭心事 – 叶昱琳 (猫头鹰翻译员)
(星洲日报 星云 31 Dec 2019) 站在民事高庭外等候开庭,耳边传来一阵宫廷贵族气息浓厚的音乐,细听之下有点类似印度音乐。庭外少许的压抑氛围因此更增添一股权威的味道。初次到访法庭,和我之前设想的形象相差不远,高高在上、权威逼人之势。然而不同的是,当你实在地踏在那片土地上,听着当事人的陈述时,我能够深刻地感觉到:法庭这个地方,承载了许多的生命故事。
FMEA Methodology
FMEA is know as Failure Mode and Effect Analysis. It can be divided into two major part, the process and design FMEA. is one of the first systematic techniques for failure analysis. It was developed solidly to study problems that might arise from malfunctions of military systems. It is a structured approach to discovering potential […]
25条自律原则 – 猫头鹰课程
Advantages of Short Technical Training
Globalization, the world around us is changing fast and new territories of knowledge are opening up every day, everywhere and in every channels. To keep up with this rapid change, we need constantly recharge our knowledge with relevant skills to remain competitive in the workplace. But, instead of spending long years in studying degrees and […]
Our Milky Way and Extraterrestrial Civilization(我们的银河系和天外生物)
The Milky Way is the galaxy in which the Earth resides. Its one of the 100 billion galaxies in the universe. The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy that is about 100,000 light-years across. Our solar system is one third from the edge of the Milky way. The closest galaxy to our Milky Way […]
Ways to get Productive for individual working from home
If you are home based and full time freelancer to a company, or you been asked to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic per the local government instruction so as to help slow the spread of the virus, you might be quite relax and new experience. Think of the benefits such as saving on […]
犹太人,上帝的选民,全世界只有2000万人分居不同地方,亡国2000年流落外邦,一个小小民族却有异常的坚韧和成就。我们今天尚且看看这个民族,犹太经典和圣经旧约里都有提到他们是上帝的选民。 以色列人自古以来秉持的经商之道 :-